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Reduction of the required design effort due to uniform supply voltage

  • A rated voltage range of 100 to 240 VAC allows use in 100 VAC and 200 VAC systems. Rotation speed remains constant even with different input voltages
  • Shorter replacement times, thanks to longer service life
  • Expected life of 60,000 hours (approximately 6 years) 
  • Power consumption is reduced by about 72% compared with conventional AC fans
  • Available in set packages (including finger guards, connector cables and mounting screws)
  • CE marking and certification according to various standards, including UL and CSA

Specifications & ordering info

Product Size Rated current Rated rotational speed Maximum flow rate Maximum static pressure Set content Rated power Noise emission Operating voltage at AC 50 Hz Description
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 92x38, high speed, terminals
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 92x38, high speed, 1 x finger guard, 4 x M4 x 55 mm screws, 4 x M4 nuts, 1 m connector cable
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 92x38, high speed, 2 x finger guard, 4 x M4 x 55 mm screws, 4 x M4 nuts, 1 m connector cable
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 92x38, low speed, terminals
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 92x38, low speed, 1 x finger guard, 4 x M4 x 55 mm screws, 4 x M4 nuts, 1 m connector cable
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 92x38, low speed, 2 x finger guard, 4 x M4 x 55 mm screws, 4 x M4 nuts, 1 m connector cable
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 120x38, high speed, terminals
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 120x38, high speed, 1 x finger guard, 4 x M4 x 55 mm screws, 4 x M4 nuts, 1 m connector cable
AC Axial fan, plastic blade, frame 120x38, high speed, 2 x finger guard, 4 x M4 x 55 mm screws, 4 x M4 nuts, 1 m connector cable
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