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Servo Drives

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Drive control method
Power range
5 products found
1S Drives with Safety Functionality 1S Drives Accurax G5 Drives G-Series Drives SmartStep 2 Drives
1s drives with motion safety prod
servo drive 1 r prod
accurax g5 vrijstaand prod
g serie drive prod
smartstep2 drive cover mit leds prod
Safety function
Hardwired STO (SIL3/PLe) Network STO and Motion Safety SS1, SS2, SOS, SLS, SLP, SDI, SBC (SIL3/Ple) Hardwired STO (SIL3/PLe) Network STO (SIL2/Pld) Hardwired STO (SIL2/PLd) - -
Applicable servo motor
1S rotary motor with Motion Safety 1S rotary motor Accurax G5 rotary motor Accurax linear motor G-Series rotary motor G-Series rotary motor G-Series rotary motor
Full closed loop
- - Built-in - -

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