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Smartclick Oil-resistance Connectors with Improved Oil Resistance

Smartclick Oil-resistance Connectors with Improved Oil Resistance

  • Fluororesin Cable That Withstands Cutting Oil
  • Structured to provide greater oil resistance
  • A newly developed lock mechanism that is compatible with round M12 connectors
  • Insert the connector and turn approx. 1/8 turn to complete the connection and block the infiltration of oil
  • A positive click indicates locking
  • IP67G degree of protection

Specifications & ordering info

Ordering information

Socket on One Cable End


Cable outer diameter (mm)

No. of conductors

Cable lenght (m)

Order code

Socket on One Cable End

4 dia.






Socket and Plug on Cable Ends


Cable outer diameter (mm)

No. of conductors

Cable lenght (m)

Order code

Socket and Plug on Cable Ends

4 dia.






Ratings and Specifications




Rated current

1 A for 4-mm dia. (AWG24)

Rated voltage

30 VDC

Contact resistance (connector)

40 mΩ max. (20 mV max., 10 mA max.)

Insulation resistance

1,000 mΩ min. (at 500 VDC)

Dielectric strength (connector)

1,500 VAC for 1 min (leakage current: 1 mA max.)

Degree of protection

IP67 (IEC 60529) and IP67G (JIS C0920 Annex 1)1

Insertion tolerance

50 times min.

Lock strength

Tensile: 100 N/15 s, Torsion: 1 N · m/15 s

Cable holding strength

Tensile: 100 N/15 s

Lock operating force

0.1 to 25 N · m

Ambient operating temperature range

0 to 55°C

Ambient humidity range

20% to 85%

1. The IP67G is the degree of protection which is defined according to the JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards).
The IP67 indicates the same level of protection as defined by the IEC, and the G indicates that a device has resistance to oil.
1. The IP67G is the degree of protection which is defined according to the JIS (Japanese Industrial Standards).
The IP67 indicates the same level of protection as defined by the IEC, and the G indicates that a device has resistance to oil.

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If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

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