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CX-Server LITE

CX-Server LITE

Simple but effective connectivity

As a pair to our OPC product, CX-Server LITE is designed to meet a wide variety of programmers' needs from the simple to the advanced. Used to create PC-based simple HMI projects, CX-Server LITE allows designers of custom programs to send and receive PLC data and manipulate controllers within Omron networks.

  • Supports all Omron Networks
  • Communicates to CS/CJ/C/CV and CP family PLCs, Trajexia, Celciux and ZX Sensors
  • Supports all Omron communication protocols
  • Program from Visual Basic, Excel or .NET
  • Simple configuration using graphical components or complex scripting using API

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CX-Server LITE

CD & Licence


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If you have a question or would like to ask for a quote, please contact us or send a request.

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Quotation for CX-Server LITE

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ActiveX communications object handles all communciation to CX-Server.

Reuse PLC and symbols configuration stored in CX-Programmer's CDM file.

Graphic components allow reading and writing of symbols with 'Point-and-click' interface without writing a single line of code.

Advanced API accessible from script, for reading/writing values, subscribing to data, setting the PLC clock, uploading/downloading programs, accessing memory card etc. Includes programming examples for Excel, Visual Basic, VBScript, Visual C++, C# and VB .NET.

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