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Batteries Event 2021

OMRON is pleased to participate in the 23rd edition of the Batteries Event, from September 29 to October 1, 2021.

The event will cover all aspects of the circular economy value chain and the main international players in the battery industry will be brought together to share their vision on the following major themes:

  • The production of the battery through raw materials, 
  • cell manufacturing, use and safety, 
  • management and applications, 
  • going through market trends, 
  • research and development, 
  • new technologies 
  • and finally closing the loop with a focus on recycling, second life and regulations.

On the programme: 3 days of discussion, plenary sessions and meetings during the benchmark event dedicated to batteries. View the conference programme.

Meet us there!

From September 29 at the Lyon MARRIOTT HOTEL.
Cité Internationale 70 Quai Charles de Gaulle 69006 Lyon.