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Innovation Partners

Bringing Innovation to Manufacturing

At OMRON, we believe in the transformative potential of technology. Our vision is to shape a future where automation opens up new horizons for productivity, flexibility, and superior user experience.

Through the OMRON Innovation Network, we are bridging the gap between our technology and fully integrated systems and solutions. By closely collaborating with strategic partners, we tap into their collective knowledge, expertise, and shared drive to provide a clear pathway for customers to realise solutions to their manufacturing challenges.

Together, with our partners, our mission revolves around making the 'art of the possible' a reality.

Innovation Network

The OMRON Innovation Network offers a platform for organizations that share our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions, empowering businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

The network comprises of five partner categories, each providing unique capabilities to support manufacturers with their specific requirements.

Engineering Partners

Engineering partners offer a multitude of capabilities and services to support deployment and continued operation of OMRON’s wide technology portfolio.

  • Software programming
  • Retrofit & replacement services
  • Product integration & installation
  • Panel build
  • Engineering services in scope of OMRON’s product portfolio


  • Machine Control
  • Motion & Drives
  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Vision & Auto-ID
  • Sensing
  • Safety
  • Panel Solutions

Integration Partners

Integration Partners: with certified competence in technology domains, these partners bring true innovation by creating custom systems integration and designs to address unique customer issues.

  • Full turn-key machines / systems
  • Excellence in engineering design
  • High competence in converting user requirements into tangible automation solutions
  • Deep knowledge of certified technology area/’s
  • Competence in circumferential technologies
  • Provision of after-sales services


  • Data Integration
  • Mobile Robotics
  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Industrial Robotics
  • Machine Vision
  • Auto-ID
  • Safety

Solution Partners

Solution partners have developed innovative, market-ready solutions based on core OMRON technology, which have been designed to solve common manufacturing challenges.

Providing a pathway for manufacturers to leverage a proven solution, through a fast and efficient channel.

Industry Solutions;

  • Food & Commodities
  • Medical
  • E-Mobility
  • Digital Industry
  • Logistics

Project Delivery Partners

Project Delivery Partners provide an excellence in project management and delivery, these partners have the capacity and expertise to handle large-scale projects, including full line or factory installations.

  • Professional large scale project management & delivery services
  • A to Z project life-cycle capability
  • Project consultancy services
  • Deep knowledge and experience within specified solution competence
  • Offer risk management and proof of concept analysis


  • Line Integration
  • Flexible Manufacturing
  • Process Optimisation
  • Digitalisation
  • Traceability
  • Quality Control

Alliance Partners

OMRON has established strategic relationships with organisations that provide complimentary or enabling technologies and services to our own automation portfolio. Expanding the total solution capability and providing customers with solutions beyond just the automation domain.

Through this close collaboration with strategically aligned companies, our aim is to provide a clear and defined path to realise the total end-2-end solution for our customers.

Learn more about our Alliance Partners
alliance partner sol

Alliance Partners

We believe that innovation thrives through strategic collaboration. Our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions is exemplified through our Alliance Partner program. We are proud to join forces with industry-leading companies that specialize in complementary and enabling technologies and services to our own automation portfolio.

These valued partnerships empower us to offer comprehensive end-to-end solutions, ensuring that our customers receive the highest quality and most advanced solutions and services available. By leveraging the strengths of our Alliance Partners, we aim to deliver unparalleled value, efficiency, and innovation to meet the diverse needs of our customers.

Together, we are shaping the future of manufacturing by seamlessly integrating our expertise and resources to drive success for businesses worldwide.

Explore the possibilities with OMRON and our Alliance Partners – where collaboration meets excellence.

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