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Increase your machine development efficiency with version control software

Available seats 500

Across Europe machine manufacturers are finding it harder to recruit engineers with the right skills. In addition, the engineers that are available must – for efficiency gains – work collaboratively in teams. There’s also increasing demands for individual machine customisation. And above all, there will be an increasing need for engineers to work remotely due to the Covid-19 crisis.

Software for teams including version control

This webinar will help you to ease all these pressures by enabling closer, easier teamwork – thereby increasing efficiency and enabling your engineers to work more effectively with our Sysmac Studio Team Edition software. Everyone in the industrial machine business can benefit…

Everyone will be able to

  • Work more remotely – more easily
  • Instantly hand-over projects from one engineer to another
  • Reduce mistakes in development, commissioning and servicing. 

OEMs will

  • Keep accurate control of software changes
  • Create machine variations more easily
  • Increase the reusability of code
  • Co-develop in remote sites
  • Keep development, commissioning and servicing synchronized
  • Reduce redundant work
  • Minimize mistakes and improve teamwork 
Systems Integrators will
  • More easily cooperate with End User and different Machine Builders
  • Simplify project management
  • Co-develop in remote sites
  • Simplify commissioning and servicing
  • Reduce redundant work
  • Minimize mistakes and improve team synchronization


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