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Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Cylindrical Proximity Sensor

The E2V-X provides long-distance detection of aluminum or iron, while mounted flush in metal.

  • Highly visible indicator
  • DC 3-wire proximity sensors: M12, M18, M30
  • Standard and Long-distance detection in pre-wired or connector models
  • Nickel-plated brass housing

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+27 (0)11 579 2600
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Aluminum Detection Distance

e2v-x[] fe 113-107837 prod

1.5 to 2 Times Previous Models

Immunity against aluminum chips has enabled achieving long-distance detection of aluminum workpieces. The same detection has also been achieved for iron, allowing the E2V-X[] to be separated from workpieces made of either metal farther than any other Proximity Sensor.

Note:*In-house comparison of M18 Shielded Long-distance Models

Detection Made Visible

e2v-x[] fe 213-107839 prod

An operation indicator that is visible from any direction is provided as a standard feature. This indicator flashes under unstable conditions for easy installation condition verification at a glance.

Embeddable in Metal

e2v-x[] fe 313-107841 prod

The first Long-distance Sensor that is shielded. Possible to be completely embedded in metal.